Sok format

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Header added to the level files by the program "Sokoban YASC"

::         Sokoban (c) by Falcon Co., Ltd., Japan         ::
::                    File Format 0.20                    ::
::                                                        ::
:: File Notes                                  Optional   ::
:: Puzzle 1                                    Required   ::
::    Title                                    Optional*  ::
::    Board                                    See legend ::
::    Puzzle Notes                             Optional   ::
::    Saved Game or Solution 1                 Optional   ::
::      Title                                  Optional*  ::
::      Moves                                  See legend ::
::      Notes                                  Optional   ::
::    Saved Game or Solution 2                 Optional   ::
::    ... (more saved games and solutions)                ::
:: Puzzle 2                                    Optional   ::
:: ... (more puzzles)                                     ::
::                                                        ::
:: Remarks:                                               ::
::                                                        ::
:: File Notes                                             ::
::   File notes consist of unstructured text and          ::
::   key/value properties, such as "Author: Name".        ::
::                                                        ::
::   Lines beginning with "::" are comments intended only ::
::   for someone examining the file in a text editor and  ::
::   should not be displayed by the Sokoban program.      ::
::                                                        ::
::   The optional but recommended property                ::
::   "Collection: Name" assigns a name to the puzzle      ::
::   collection. This helps to preserve the collection’s  ::
::   name when copied from a source, such as the          ::
::   internet, and pasted into a Sokoban program.         ::
::                                                        ::
:: Titles                                                 ::
::   A title line is the last non-blank text line before  ::
::   a board, saved game, or solution, provided the line  ::
::   is either preceded by a blank line or is the only    ::
::   text line in that position in the file.              ::
::                                                        ::
::   Title lines are optional unless a single or last     ::
::   text line from a preceding puzzle, saved game,       ::
::   solution, or file notes can be mistaken for a title  ::
::   line.                                                ::
::                                                        ::
:: Puzzle Notes                                           ::
::   Two special key/value pairs are supported in puzzle  ::
::   notes: "Title" and "Author", hence, titles can be    ::
::   specified either in a title line or as a key/value   ::
::   pair.                                                ::
::                                                        ::
::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Board ::::::::::::::::::::::::::
:: Legend.................:      :.................Legend ::
:: Wall...................: #  # :...................Wall ::
:: Pusher.................: p  @ :.................Pusher ::
:: Pusher on goal square..: P  + :..Pusher on goal square ::
:: Box....................: b  $ :....................Box ::
:: Box on goal square.....: B  * :.....Box on goal square ::
:: Goal square............: .  . :............Goal square ::
:: Floor..................:      :..................Floor ::
:: Floor..................: -    :..................Floor ::
:: Floor..................: _    :..................Floor ::
::                                                        ::
:: Remarks:                                               ::
::                                                        ::
::   The first and last non-empty square in each row must ::
::   be a wall or a box on a goal. An empty interior row  ::
::   must be written with at least one "-" or "_".        ::
::                                                        ::
::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Moves ::::::::::::::::::::::::::
:: Legend.................:      :.................Legend ::
:: Move pusher up.........: u  U :.......Push/pull box up ::
:: Move pusher down.......: d  D :.....Push/pull box down ::
:: Move pusher left.......: l  L :.....Push/pull box left ::
:: Move pusher right......: r  R :....Push/pull box right ::
:: Begin jump.............: [  ] :...............End jump ::
:: Begin pusher change....: {  } :......End pusher change ::
:: Current position.......: *  * :.......Current position ::
::                                                        ::
:: Remarks:                                               ::
::                                                        ::
::   Jumps and pulls appear only in reverse mode saved    ::
::   games and solutions. Jumps are used to move the      ::
::   pusher to the desired location before the reverse    ::
::   mode game begins.                                    ::
::                                                        ::
::   Reverse mode saved games and solutions must start    ::
::   with a jump, even if it is empty, e.g., "[]Urrd".    ::
::                                                        ::
::   Pusher changes apply only to puzzles with multiple   ::
::   pushers, such as Multiban. Moves inside the braces   ::
::   indicate the relative movement needed to switch from ::
::   the currently active pusher to the next active       ::
::   pusher. At the start of a game, a "{...}" sequence   ::
::   activates the pusher relative to the top-left        ::
::   pusher. For example: "{rddd}Urr{uul}uLU". If the     ::
::   top-left pusher is the first active pusher, the      ::
::   empty "{}" can be omitted.                           ::
::                                                        ::
::   The current position marker is optional and defaults ::
::   to the position after the last move.                 ::
::                                                        ::

An example file:

Collection: YASGen
Author: YASGen & Brian Damgaard
Copyright (c) 2003 by Brian Damgaard
These levels may be freely distributed provided they are credited with
the author's name.


###p .#
# b #.#
#  bb #
#.  # #
#   b.#


More level examples:

Demo Level 01

#      #
#@ $   #
#   $  #
# . .  #

This demo level is trivial, but it suffices to demonstrate
the file-format.
A Sokoban program can add key/value pairs within the notes,
such as:
Author: nn


The title of a snapshot does not bear any special meaning.
This snapshot just happens to be the best solution found
(so far). The demo-program automatically saves best solutions.

Snapshot 7/0

This is an example of a snapshot saved by the user.
Later he/she can continue work on this path.

Snapshot 9/2

Another snapshot saved by the user. The '*' indicates
current position, i.e., the last moves were taken back,
but are still available for the "redo" function.

Demo Level 02

#     .#
#@ $   #
#   $  #
# . *  #

Just another trivial demo level. The number of levels in a
file is limited by available memory only.


Reverse Mode Snapshot 13/6

This is an example of a reverse mode snapshot.

Reverse mode snapshots always have a leading jump-sequence,
even if it is empty. An example: "[]Ulld...".

Demo Level 03

#      #
#  $   #
#   $  #
# + .  #


Implementation of the SOK Format

The Sokoban puzzle file format is designed with user-friendliness in mind. Unlike stricter formats like HTML or XML, it allows puzzles to be written in a way that's easy for people to share and understand. This simplicity comes at a cost, though. While the files are plain text, the logic behind reading them can get tricky for the programmer if not handled correctly.

This guide will demonstrate how to create a program that effectively parses these files. To complement the guide, a fully functional and efficient reference implementation of both a puzzle file reader and writer, written in Common Lisp, is available here. The reference implementation supports additional features, like run-length encoding, which were once part of the file format definition but were later abandoned because they were rarely used and added implementation complexity that seemed unnecessary. The Common Lisp code can easily be converted to other programming languages, and this process can even be partially automated.

Main Procedure

Key Observation

One crucial concept to remember is that the program will encounter notes until it stumbles upon a puzzle board, a snapshot (an unsolved state of the puzzle), or a solution (a snapshot representing a completed puzzle). This observation forms the core of our program's structure, as reflected in the following pseudocode:

 function readPuzzleFile()
   file.notes := readNotes()
   while found-puzzle-board? or found-snapshot?
     ... (more to come)

Prioritizing Notes

At first glance, focusing on notes might seem strange since puzzle boards are the heart of the file. However, this approach has a significant advantage. Not only does the file begin with notes, but each puzzle and snapshot can have their own set of notes as well. This means that whenever we encounter a puzzle board or a snapshot, we need to grab any associated notes before moving on.

 function readPuzzleFile()
   file.notes := readNotes()
   while found-puzzle-board? or found-snapshot?
     if found-puzzle-board? then
       puzzle := makePuzzle(puzzle-board)
       file.puzzles += puzzle
       puzzle.notes := readNotes()
       ... (more to come)
       (found an orphaned snapshot)
       puzzle := makePuzzle(no board)
       file.puzzles += puzzle
       puzzle.snapshots += snapshot
       snapshot.notes := readNotes()

"Orphaned" Snapshots

The reason we handle "orphaned snapshots" is because it's sometimes useful to load snapshots and solutions separately for further processing. A common scenario is loading a file containing solutions (perhaps from the clipboard) to pair them with existing puzzles.

Recurring Pattern

It's worth noting the repeated use of the "readNotes()" function right before the "while" loop restarts. We'll see this pattern again as we complete the main function by adding the logic to load snapshots associated with a specific puzzle.

 function readPuzzleFile()
   file.notes := readNotes()
   while found-puzzle-board? or found-snapshot?
     if found-puzzle-board? then
       puzzle := makePuzzle(puzzle-board, optional-title)
       file.puzzles += puzzle
       puzzle.notes := readNotes()
       while found-snapshot?
         puzzle.snapshots += snapshot
         snapshot.title := optional-title
         snapshot.notes := readNotes()
       (found an orphaned snapshot)
       puzzle := makePuzzle(no board)
       file.puzzles += puzzle
       puzzle.snapshots += snapshot
       snapshot.title := optional-title
       snapshot.notes := readNotes()
   post-processing, e.g., make titles unique and resistant to misinterpretation

Wrapping Up

With these additions, our main function is complete! It's both straightforward and robust. We've also introduced the concept of optional titles for puzzles and snapshots. These titles are essentially header lines from the text file, and the "readNotes()" function is responsible for differentiating them from regular notes belonging to the preceding element.

As you can see, the "readNotes()" function carries a significant responsibility. However, this modular approach keeps the code well-organized and easy to manage.

Notes Text Lines

Now, let's take a closer look at the "readNotes()" function.

 function readNotes()
   ... (initialize return values)
   collect notes text lines until encountering:
     1. a puzzle board
     2. a snapshot
     3. the end of the file
   ... (more to come)

As you can see, the function accumulates text lines until it encounters one of three conditions: a puzzle board, a snapshot, or the end of the file.

Title Line Detection

The slightly tricky part for "readNotes()" is identifying a potential title line preceding the next puzzle board or snapshot. Here's the key: we discard trailing blank lines, but at first, we need to keep initial blank lines. This distinction plays a role in determining whether a line is interpreted as a title or simply part of the notes.

Imagine these two scenarios:

  • Scenario 1 (No Title Line):
 I am a notes text line
 I am a notes text line too
  • Scenario 2 (With Title Line):
 I am a notes text line
 [blank line]
 I am the title of the next puzzle or snapshot, if any

In the second scenario, the blank line separates the notes from the title line.

Complete Implementation

The complete implementation of "readNotes()" is shown below. The description includes all the necessary details, allowing for a straightforward translation into your preferred programming language.

 function readNotes()
   initialize return values:
     notes, puzzle-board, snapshot, run-length-encoded-snapshot?, and optional-title
   collect notes text lines until encountering:
     1. a puzzle board
     2. a snapshot
     3. the end of the file
   trim notes text lines by removing:
     - trailing spaces, tabs, and other control characters
   discard trailing blank lines (empty lines at the end)
   if a puzzle board or snapshot is found:
     if there are notes lines:
       and (only one line exists in the notes
           or the second-to-last line in the notes is blank)
         optional-title := the last line in notes
         discard the last line in notes
         discard trailing blank lines
   discard leading blank lines (empty lines at the beginning)

Board Text Lines

To distinguish puzzle boards from notes, snapshots, and solutions, the program checks for specific characteristics:

  • Structure: The first non-empty column in each row must contain a wall or a box on a goal. This ensures a minimum level of structure, making puzzle boards easier to locate, especially in large files.
  • Minimum size: The board must have at least three rows and three columns.
  • Empty rows: Empty rows are used for decoration and should only appear within the board, not at the beginning or end.

Here's the process the program follows:

  • Tentative collection: When encountering a line that might contain puzzle rows, the program initially collects that line along with all subsequent lines that also seem like puzzle rows.
  • Validation: The program then analyzes the collected lines to determine if they actually form a valid puzzle board. If not, or if the "tail" ends with an empty row (which is invalid), the program puts as many of the collected lines back on the queue as necessary, so they will be treated as notes.

It's important to note that this validation focuses solely on the structure of the board. Whether the puzzle is well-formed (e.g., has a player, matching boxes and goals) is only checked when a user attempts to solve it.

Function Implementation

The "boardLines?()" function, despite its name, actually returns the identified puzzle rows rather than a simple true/false value. Here's the pseudocode:

 function boardLines?()
   if the current text line contains a board row and
      this board row contains at least one non-empty square then
     collect text lines until encountering:
       1. a text line that doesn't contain a board row
       2. the end of the file
     while the last found board row is empty
       discard the last board row
       put the last collected text line back on the queue (treat it as a notes text line)
     if the collected board rows live up to the minimum size criteria then
       return the collected board rows, left-justified
       put all collected text lines back on the queue (treat them as notes)

Snapshot Moves Text Lines

Function Implementation

The "snapshotLines?()" function, similar to "boardLines?()", returns the actual snapshot lines rather than a simple true/false value. Here's the pseudocode:

 function snapshotLines?()
   collect text lines with moves until encountering:
     1. a line that doesn't contain moves
     2. the end of the file

We're nearing the completion of these functions! We've defined the "plural" functions "boardLines?()" and "snapshotLines?()" that handle collections of lines. Now, let's explore their corresponding "singular" counterparts, which examine a single text line at a time.

Board Text Line

Function Implementation

Here's the pseudocode for "boardLine?()":

 function boardLine?( text )
   if the text contains only legal board characters then
     return the right-trimmed text as one board row


Since the space character is a valid board symbol, there's no need to right-trim the text line before validation. However, if the text line represents a valid board row, the result is returned with trailing spaces removed. Left-trimming is avoided to preserve the row indentation.

Snapshot Moves Text Line

Function Implementation

Here's the pseudocode for "snapshotLine?()":

 function snapshotLine?( text )
   if the text contains only legal snapshot text line characters and
      the text contains at least one move (a direction character) then
     return the trimmed text as snapshot moves


The function verifies whether the line represents a valid sequence of snapshot moves. If valid, the trimmed text is returned as snapshot moves. Unlike a board text line, both left-trimming and right-trimming are permitted for a snapshot text line.

Utility Functions

Here's a final noteworthy utility function:

make-interpretation-resistant-title( title ): This function addresses a potential issue where a title line preceding a puzzle or snapshot could be mistakenly interpreted as part of a puzzle or snapshot itself. For example, titles like "Dull" or "Rud" might cause confusion.

The function ensures clarity by enclosing such titles in quotation marks. Here's the pseudocode:

 function make-interpretation-resistant-title( title )
   if boardLine?( title ) or snapshotLine?( title ) then
     return the title enclosed by quotation marks
     return the title


This concludes our guide! As mentioned in the introduction, an accompanying reference implementation with additional features is available, written in Common Lisp, which can easily be adapted to other programming languages.

Note: Some programs like Sokoban YASC resctrict the level titles to valid Windows file names. This means characters like these ": \ * ? [ ] ; < > | / " are ignored in the level title. This however it not part of the sok-file format.

Note from Eric Sunshine on the Yahoo Sokoban group:

If you would like to support other cases, such as when much or all of the meta-data appears before the puzzle, then you likely will need to implement a more complex heuristic for determining which non-puzzle data belongs to each puzzle. SokoSave Mobile takes this approach, trying very hard to intuit which information belongs with which puzzle, since many older collections are formatted in ways not compatible with the .sok format. To do this, SokoSave Mobile implements heuristics based directly on the SokoSplit utility (with a few small bug fixes):

Here is a brief description of the heuristic. For each puzzle, perform the following steps in order:

1. If there is a blank line immediately before the puzzle, assign it to the puzzle.

2. Assign all following unassigned non-blank lines to the puzzle.

3. Assign all preceding unassigned non-blank lines to the puzzle. These lines precede the blank line (if present) assigned to the puzzle in step 1.

4. Assign all following unassigned lines (blank or not) to the puzzle.

5. Optional: Clean up by trimming leading and trailing blank lines from the collected meta-data. (Internal blank lines are retained.)

This heuristic works correctly with all of the old puzzle collections I have sitting around which were downloaded years ago, as well as with modern collections available for download. The heuristic also is a superset of the YASC .sok parsing, so it works properly with those collections, as well.

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