Feature list : Web-based Support

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Web-based Support

Web-based Support
Web-based Support
website official website official website official website official website official website official website
forum n/iNot implemented n/iNot implemented n/iNot implemented official forum n/iNot implemented official forum
additional level packs unnecessary [info]practically all text-based levels for download are supported unnecessary [info]practically all text-based levels for download are supported unnecessary [info]practically all text-based levels for download are supported yes(.slc files) unnecessary [info]practically all text-based levels for download are supported) unnecessary [info]practically all text-based single-level files for download are supported)
additional solutions no yes no yesysokoban solutions no
additional skin packs unnecessary [info]all major skin formats for download are supported yes no no [info]all available skins ship with the program yes no
additional add-ons yes utilities yeslanguage packs, solver-plugins, utilities no yes utilities yes utilities
automatic update no no yes automatic check for updates yes no no
option to jump to the official website yes yes no yes no yes


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