Feature list : Multi-player Mode

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Multi-player Mode

Last change: 2024/07/17 17:07:34
Multi-player Mode
Multi-player Mode
multi-player no yes(options: create new player, change player) no yes(options: create new player, change player) multi-player yes(options: create new player, change player) no
edit player information
(e.g. name, email, country)
no no no edit player information
(e.g. name, email, country)
no yes [info]only when recording high score
display personal high-scores yes [info]cramped implementation and disabled by default. Enable it in "open" window via menu -> show solutions yes via menu: level -> choose no yes via menu: view -> scores and solutions display personal high-scores yes drop-down list yes via menu: help -> scores
compare high-scores
of all the players
n/aNot applicable
to single-player programs.
yes general and personal scores n/aNot applicable
to single-player programs.
yesranking with all the players compare high-scores
of all the players
no n/aNot applicable
to single-player programs.
save and restore the player profiles
(e.g. high-scores, settings)
n/aNot applicable
to single-player programs.
yes player position file (*.sav) n/aNot applicable
to single-player programs.
save and restore the player profiles
(e.g. high-scores, settings)
yes player info file (*.SokoInfo) n/aNot applicable
to single-player programs.
remember each player's session
(e.g. level, skin, quicksaves) [note]not to be confused with a single player program's ability to do the same.
Feature implemented in Sokonline.
no no no no remember each player's session
(e.g. level, skin, quicksaves) [note]not to be confused with a single player program's ability to do the same.
Feature implemented in Sokonline.
no no




This modality is useful for the competitions, each user can have his own configurations. As the personalization, with their scores, personal information, as the option of sending their solutions via e-mail.

These are options for the soko-programs that point, to give the option for competitive players that participate in the challenges of internet.

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