Feature list : Skin Features

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Skin Features

Last change: 2024/07/17 17:05:55
Skin Features
Skin Features
customizable skin yes yes yes yes customizable skin yes no
skin formats yes meta-script language [info]includes scripts for importing the following skin formats:
common sokoban skin images (YSokoban),
Sokoban++ skin scripts,
Sokofan skin scripts,
Visual Sokoban skin scripts,
Sokoban for Windows skin scripts (Björn Källmark),
Sokoban BDE images,
SuperSoko skin images,
SokoStation4 skin scripts
JSoko skin scripts
yes Sokoban++ skin scripts (ini) yes two built-in skins yes Sokoban for Windows skin scripts (skn) skin formats yes common sokoban skin images (YSokoban) no
resizeable skins yes no yes yes resizeable skins no no
pseudo-3D skins (sokoban++ style) no yes no no pseudo-3D skins (sokoban++ style) no no
legal moves box animation (ysokoban style) yes no no no legal moves box animation (ysokoban style) yes no
legal moves player animation (ysokoban style) yes no no no legal moves player animation (ysokoban style) yes no
solution animation (ysokoban style) yes no no no solution animation (ysokoban style) yes no
animation frame extrapolation (morphing) yes 30 frames no no no animation frame extrapolation (morphing) no no
directional player yes yes yes yes directional player no no
directional player can return to an "at ease" position no no no yes directional player can return to an "at ease" position no no
directional box no no no no directional box no no
directional box can return to an "at ease" position no no no no directional box can return to an "at ease" position no no
support for seamless walls
(as opposed to discrete walls)
yes yes yes yes support for seamless walls
(as opposed to discrete walls)
yes no
walls can be transparent no no skin dependent yes no walls can be transparent no no
floors can be transparent yes no skin dependent no no floors can be transparent no no
skin browser with preview yes image-based skins; not scripted skins no yes yes skin browser with preview no no
recent skins history yes yes no unnecessary [info]with all skins in a list it is just as easy to browse the whole list recent skins history no no
quick browse skins yes menu: default, recent skins; keyboard shortcuts: next, default yes menu: default, recent skins yes menu: skin list yes menu: skin list quick browse skins yes use F4-F8 to select one of the loaded skins no


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