Feature list : Customizing

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Revision as of 17:05, 17 July 2024 by Matthias Meger (Talk | contribs)
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Last change: 2024/07/17 17:05:36
settings interface yes graphical user interface (tree-view) yes graphical user interface (tabbed notebook view) yes graphical user interface yes graphical user interface (tabbed notebook view) settings interface yes graphical user interface (window) yes graphical user interface (window)
configurable statusbar (e.g., level title, moves, pushes) no yes no no configurable statusbar (e.g., level title, moves, pushes) no no
configurable game state graphics (e.g., moves/pushes) yes fonts, colours, buttons (static layout) yes skin graphics (configurable layout) no no configurable game state graphics (e.g., moves/pushes) no no
customizable cursors no yes graphics, skin dependent no yes small/large built-in cursors customizable cursors no no
customizable mouse actions yes(only right-click) no no customizable mouse actions yes(buttons: left, middle, right) no
customizable sound events yes independent yes skin dependent no no customizable sound events no no
background music no no no yes source: folder
formats: midi, mp3.
background music no no
Customizing : Background Image
Customizing : Background Image
customizable backgrounds yes independent, with preview yes skin dependent yes independent yes skin dependent customizable backgrounds yes independent, with preview no
background control yes source: color, image;
(image view: center, scale, stretch, tile)
yes source: color, image;
(image view: center, stretch, tile)
no yes source: image;
(image view: tile)
background control yes source: image;
(image view: center, stretch, tile)
quick browse backgrounds no "slow" browse via settings no yes browse with preview via settings no quick browse backgrounds yes tool button with drop-down list no


SokRFI - Sokoban Requests for Implementation

Customizing : SokRFI - Sokoban Requests for Implementation
Feature Description
background-image changer This feature is for the users that look for to always have a different background, playing a level.
It is applied to the following events in the program:

• On program start-up
• After solving a level.

For the convenience of users and updates are groups all backgrounds in a single folder.
One can also choose the mode in that the background will be changed:

• Next image.
• Previous image.
• Random image.

Implemented in Sokomind


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