Feature list : Moves Management

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Moves Management

Last change: 2024/07/17 18:55:45
Moves Management
Moves Management
copy/paste moves (normal) yes yes yes yes [info]partial implementation: solutions only, not savegames
flaw: imported solutions are lost when the program exits
flaw: imported moves are listed as solutions even if this is not the case
yes no
copy/paste moves (run-length-encoded) yes yes partial: paste only yes no yes no
copy moves after the current position yesvia keyboard: Ctrl+B yesvia menu: position -> copy yes Ctrl+Shift+M no yesvia keyboard: Ctrl+Alt+C no
paste moves as continuation of current position yes yes yes no yes no
rotate and/or flip moves no[info]board rotations and flips automatically synchronize existing savegames and solutions no external program Solution Rotator can be downloaded no no no no
edit move information (e.g, title, author, comment) yesvia snapshot window yesvia menu: position->save; properties: title no no no no
recreate maps from solutions yes multiple solutions, with titles and info no no no no no
load and save moves sok (ascii text file, levels); clipboard: import/export xht,txt (ascii text file, solutions), mov (sokofun movie); clipboard: import/export sok (ascii text file, levels); clipboard: import/export gam (xml text file, level); clipboard: import/export txt (ascii text file, levels); clipboard: import/export sokosave
(savegame file)


Related pages

SokRFI - Sokoban Requests for Implementation

Moves Management : SokRFI - Sokoban Requests for Implementation
Feature Description
animation snapshots capture: solutions Sokoban++ offers a utility for this feature.
(External program Sokoban Animator can be downloaded)
export solution as animation Free formats:

Text file:

Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG).
Implementation with a template SVG.

Image file:

Animated PNG (APNG) available with Firefox 3.
EasySok as alternative can save all the snapshots in a movie MNG.


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