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Dimitri & Yorick
Key (01)
Jacques Duthen
best solution
by moves
by Corozif
by pushes
1 Push right (04)
2 Push right (05)
3 Push right (02)
4 Push right (01)
5 Push right (03)
6 Push right (06)
7 4x4 (02)
8 4x4 (01)
9 4x4 (04)
10 Push right (07)
11 Push down (01)
12 4x4 (05)
13 5x4 (01)
14 4x4 (03)
15 4x4 (06)
16 Push down (02)
17 5x4 (02)
18 Push right (09)
19 Push right (10)
20 4x4 (07)
21 Gun (01)
22 Gun (02)
23 4x3 (01)
24 4x3 (02)
25 Push right (12)
26 Push right (11)
27 Push right (13)
28 4x4 (08)
29 4x4 (09)
30 4x4 (10)
31 Gun (03)
32 Gun (04)
33 Gun (05)
34 Gun (06)
35 4x4 (11)
36 Gun (07)
37 Push right (08)
38 Gun (08)
39 Gun (09)
40 Gun (10)
41 Gun (11)
42 5x4 (03)
43 5x4 (04)
44 Push right (14)
45 Push right (15)
46 Gun (12)
47 Push right (16)
48 5x4 (05)
49 5x5 (01)
50 6x5 (01)
51 6x6 (01)
52 Push right (17)
53 5x5 (02)
54 Two rooms (01)
55 Two rooms 3x3 (02)
56 Key (01)
57 Key (02)
58 Two rooms 3x3 (01)
59 5x5 (03)
60 5x5 (04)
61 Four rooms (01)
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