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Remodel Club
SokoTime 56a
Mic and GRIGoRusha
4 boxes added
best solution
by moves
by Matthias Meger
by pushes
by Sokobano
1 Mas Sasquatch 49c
2 MP 20b
3 novembre 2001ter
4 novembre 2001ter5
5 Sasquatch VI 47h
6 Monthly July 1998 remodel
7 MP 13a
8 MP 09c
9 MP 101c
10 Mas Sasquatch 31a
11 Sasquatch IV 11a
12 Bagatelle II 2e
13 SokoBig 2a
14 novembre 2002c
15 Monthly January 2002 remodel
16 Sasquatch 9a
17 Sasquatch 27a
18 Sasquatch III 33v1a
19 Sasquatch III 33v2a
20 Sasquatch III 43f
21 Sasquatch IV 22b
22 Sasquatch 10c
23 Sasquatch VI 38a
24 Mario 17a
25 MP 27b
26 Sasquatch V 23b
27 SokoIdea 44a
28 SokoIdea 53a
29 Ziko 33a
30 Ziko 27a
31 Original 48c
32 novembre 2001x
33 Yms12c
34 Yms12x
35 Ziko 22a
36 Sasquatch 25a
37 SokoTime 56a
38 SokoMaxx 39c
39 MP 28c
40 MP 26b
41 MP 23a
42 Maelstrom 15f
43 SokoTime 90d
44 SokoTime 68a
45 Kevin 1159a
46 Twisty 1d
47 GRIGoRusha 101a
48 Mas Sasquatch 26c
49 Mas Sasquatch 2c
50 Mas Sasquatch 6h
51 Monry 16y
52 Monry 16z
53 Monthly October 2002 remodel
54 MP 19h
55 Monthly June 2003 remodel
56 Ziko 18b
57 dh2 6c
58 Perfect 278c
59 Perfect 280b
60 Monry 10c
61 ZikoFirst 42a
62 Ljy 391c
63 SokoTime 33a
64 MP 24c
65 SasquatchVI 36b
66 Sven 213c
67 Monthly March 2004 remodel
68 Monry-light 6a
69 GrigrSpecial 21a
70 GrigrSpecial 21b
71 GRIGoRusha 1a
72 GrigrSpecial 6a
73 LevFeb 05a
74 Nabokosmos 40a
75 calc 3
76 GRIGoRusha 135a
77 SokoStars 34b
78 SokoStars 43a
79 Ziko 40a
80 Nabokosmos 33a
81 SokoStars 101d
82 GRIGoRusha 37a
83 MP 102g
84 GRIGoRusha 12a
85 SokoMania 80b
86 SokoMania 98b
87 GRIGoRusha 104a
88 GrigrSpecial 2a
89 Dries 27a
90 GrigrSpecial 36a
91 GRIGoRusha 111a
92 GRIGoRusha 30a
93 GrigrSpecial 20a
94 GRIGoRusha 29a
95 GrigrSpecial 14a
96 The Turn
97 Koshkin Dom
98 Gyijw 0806c1
99 Maelstrom 4d
100 LevDec 07a
101 GrigrStar 09a
102 GrigrStar 10a
103 GrigrStar 21a
104 Kenyam 05a
105 Kenyam 18a
106 Kokoban 29a
107 Perfect 305j
108 Gyijw 0908a
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