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Kenya Maruyama
Mini Detour
Tiny version of Double Detour (SetA #15),
or CR I (SetA #26)
best solution
by moves
by Sokobano
by pushes
by Sokobano
1 Origin
2 minus-plus
3 H is 8th
4 Go Ahead !
5 Dance In The Hall
6 Cross I
7 Conveyor Belt
8 Double Vision
9 Checker I
10 Cross II
11 minus-plus zero
12 back and forth
13 one more push
14 one line above
15 Double Detour
16 Retrogression
17 Compact Composition I
18 Waltz I
19 Trespass
20 Inspiration
21 Compact Composition II
22 Maru-o brothers
23 LL
24 Turtle
25 Two-fold
26 CR I
27 Pelican
28 CR II
29 Checker II
30 Waterfowl
31 some more pushes
32 Resurrection
33 mini dinosaur
34 Trespass Reloaded
35 Bulbul
36 Mini Detour
37 The tragedy of W
38 one line below
39 Compact Composition III
40 Gyruss
41 Indigestion
42 Pincer Movement
43 O6 (Ou-siks)
44 Superfluity
45 K2E
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