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Marcus Palstra
Queen Sacrifice
Marcus Palstra
15 feb 02
best solution
by moves
by Philippe Lamat
by pushes
by Philippe Lamat
1 Look before you leap!
2 Oops!
3 Something to think about...
4 Labyrinth
5 Where do I start?
6 Let me think a minute...
7 Order, order!
8 No way!!!
9 OK, there must be a strategy here...
10 In we go...
11 How's your arithmetic?
12 The juggler
13 The Three U's
14 Order or chaos?
15 The Maze
16 The Lord of the Rectangles
17 The Intricate Plot
18 Claustrophobia?
19 Total Confusion!!!
20 The Three Arches
21 The Twenty-Seven Boxes
22 The Fat Pussy Cat
23 The Venus Fly Trap
24 The Four Y's
25 Queen Sacrifice
26 Sharing the Glory
27 BloodStone
28 a-MAZE-ing...
101 The long way home
102 The Storage Factor
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